Meritain Prior Authorization List (2025)

1. For providers - Meritain Health provider portal

  • Log in to your Meritain Health provider portal to access patient eligibility, claims information, forms and more.

2. What is Precertification and Why Do I Need It? - Meritain Health

  • Sep 9, 2021 · Precertification is an important process that helps ensure your very best health outcomes, while also helping you save on the cost of your care.

  • Wondering what is precertification? To help make sure you're getting the right care, for the right length of time in the right setting.

What is Precertification and Why Do I Need It? - Meritain Health

3. [PDF] Precertification

4. Online Certification Process

  • **Please select one of the options at the left to proceed with your request. PLEASE NOTE: The Precertification Request form is for provider use only.

  • Welcome to the Meritain Health benefits program.

5. Precertification Lists - Aetna

6. Provider services - Meritain Health

  • For 24-hour automated phone benefits and claims information, call us at 1.800.566.9311. To reach us by phone, dial the toll-free number on the back of the ...

  • Find more information about how to contact us and learn more through our provider portal. Visit the Meritain Health Provider Services page.

7. [PDF] Instructions for Submitting Requests for Predeterminations

  • 1. Always verify eligibility and benefits first. 2. You must also complete any other pre-service requirements, such as preauthorization, if applicable and ...

8. [PDF] Instructions for Submitting Requests for Predeterminations

  • Missing: list | Show results with:list

9. [PDF] Participating provider precertification list for Aetna

  • This document is a quick guide for your office to use for precertification with patients enrolled in Aetna health plans. This process is also known as prior ...

Meritain Prior Authorization List (2025)


Why do prior authorizations get denied? ›

Prior authorization requests can be denied or delayed because of seemingly mundane mistakes. A simple mistake could be having the request submitted for a patient named John Appleseed when the health plan member's health insurance card lists the member's name as Jonathan Q.

How can I speed up my prior authorization? ›

How To Speed Up The Prior Authorization Process: Important Tips and Reminders
  1. Provide correct and complete patient information. ...
  2. Keep a master list of procedures that require authorizations. ...
  3. Document causes of Prior Authorization rejection. ...
  4. Subscribe to payor newsletters. ...
  5. Follow evolving industry requirements.

What happens if prior authorization is not obtained? ›

If you don't obtain it, the treatment or medication might not be covered, or you may need to pay more out of pocket. Review your plan documents or call the number on your health plan ID card for more information about the treatments, services, and supplies that require prior authorization under your specific plan.

What are the most common ways that prior authorization can be performed? ›

These steps are usually done manually, often through a cascade of phone calls, faxes and emails between payer and provider. The responsibility falls on the provider to continue to follow up with the insurance company until there is resolution of the prior authorization request — an approval, redirection, or denial.

How do I fight a denied prior authorization? ›

Submit an appeal.

This is a written notice challenging a denial or requesting an exception to the plan's policies. Even out-of-network providers can appeal, or if it was your error that led to the denial. Contact the plan for details about its appeal process and filing deadlines.

Can a pre-authorization be declined? ›

If a guest has insufficient funds for the pre-authorization itself, then the transaction should be declined outright.

Why is my prior authorization taking so long? ›

Delayed Access To Treatments

But even when you're confident that you need to get pre-authorization, the manual process for your practice staff takes time. And because the forms and details regularly change as well, this often leads to delays. You might be able to obtain prior authorization within 24 hours.

How to improve prior authorization process? ›

Ways to improve prior authorization in California include requiring payers to use automated systems for prior authorizations and limiting how often prior authorization is needed for ongoing treatments.

How long does preauthorization take for Aetna? ›

How long does prior authorization take? The review typically takes about 14 days. Then, we'll update you and your doctor with a decision.

Who is responsible for obtaining preauthorization? ›

Your medical provider will generally take the lead on submitting a prior authorization request and communicating with the health plan to improve the odds of approval. But the more you know about this process, the better you can advocate for the care you need.

What is the proper response to a failure to obtain pre-authorization denial? ›

The proper response to a failure to obtain preauthorization denial is to request a retrospective review. This type of review occurs after the medical service has been provided, and it involves the insurance company evaluating the claim to determine if it meets the necessary criteria for coverage.

What are three drugs that require prior authorization? ›

Drugs That May Require Prior Authorization
Drug ClassDrugs in Class
Androgens-Anabolic SteroidsDanazol
AnticoagulantsEliquis, Pradaxa, Xarelto
Antipsoriatic AgentsOtezla, Stelara, Taltz, Tremfya
240 more rows

What is prior authorization criteria? ›

Prior authorization—sometimes called preauthorization or precertification—is a health plan cost-control process by which physicians and other health care providers must obtain advance approval from a health plan before a specific service is delivered to the patient to qualify for payment coverage.

How long does it take for prior authorization? ›

Taking into consideration the complexity of a prior authorization request, the prior authorization process selected by a healthcare provider, requirements set out in individual health plans, and any subsequent appeals process, a prior authorization (PA) can take anywhere from same day to over a month to process.

How do you avoid authorization denial? ›

Minimize Authorization Denials with These Top Tips

Here are some key strategies: Before Submitting: Verify Patient Eligibility: Double-check that the patient's insurance is active and covers the requested service. Confirm Need for Authorization: Not all services require prior authorization.

Why would an insurance company deny coverage? ›

Insurance companies will deny claims if it determines that coverage has lapsed. There are a few different reasons why insurance coverage may lapse: failure to pay premiums on time, insurer unilaterally canceled the policy, or the insurance company no longer exists.

When a facility fails to obtain prior authorization, which type of denial will they receive? ›

This will most often result in a “soft” denial remedied by resubmitting forms in accordance with the payer's updated specifications.

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