The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2025)

DEATHS DEATHS Brockton, Oct. 31, Esther L. (Stuart), beloved mother of Henry and Roberi Potter. Services in the John C. Burns Sons Funeral Home, 305 Broadway, CAMBRIDGE, Tuesday, Nov.

2, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. BLACKWOOD -Of Weilesley Hills, Oct. 29, Anna C.

(Bruyns), wife of the late Milton C. Blackwood; mother of Mrs. Patricia Gypson of New York: sister of Otto Bruyns of New Jersey; also survived by 3 grandchildren. Services in the Church of Advent, Brimmer Street, Boston, Tues. day, Nov.

2, at 10 a.m. Donations may be made in her memory to the Heart Fund, Boston, MA. Friends may call at the Waterman Chapel, 592 Washington WELLESLEY, Monday from 7-9 p.m. BORGGREN-In Everett, suddenly, Oct. 31, Herbert, N.

Husband of Mildred (Blomgren). Brother of Edmund Borggren of Malden. Funeral services at Christ United Methodist Church. 577 Salem Malden, Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 2 p.m.

Friends may call at the Sprague Margeson Funeral Hone, 339 Pleasant MALDEN, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Masonic service by Congress Lodge AF AM, Tuesday at 8 p.m. Memorials may be sent to Christ United Methodist Church or the Malden Lions Club. BROWN- -Of Brookline, Oct. 30.

So. Boston Postal Annex. Funeral Lyman retired employee of Services Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Mitchell Funeral Home, 105 No. Main (Rte.

27) NATICK. There will be no visiting hours. Natick, Oct. 31. Dr.

W. Kenneth, of the US Army Natick Research and Development Command, beloved son of Mrs. Charles Calhoun of West Frankfurt, and brother ref Calhoun and Mrs. Forrester Holcomb of Louisville, Ky. Visiting hours Monday evening, 7-9 at the Mitchell Funeral Home, 105 No.

Main St. (Rte. 27), NATICK. Funeral services will be held at a later date at the Union Funeral Home, Oak, at Jefferson West Frankfort, II1. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the Heart Fund.

CARLSON-Of Lexington, formerly of Boston, October 28, Mary I. (MacDougall), wife of the late Otto H. Carlson. Mother of Mrs. Cynthia Duffy and Mrs.

Patricia Magennis, both of Lexington. Also survived by 7 grandchildren. Funeral from the Douglass Funeral Home, 51 Worthen LEXINGTON, Tuesday, November 2 at 9 a.m. followed by a funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Church, East Lexington at 10 a.m. Friends may call at the funeral home, Sunday 2-4 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

CARR- Canton, Oct. 29, Wil-' liam husband of Charlotte (Arnold) Carr, father of Mrs. Patricia C. Williamson of Sharon, Richard F. Carr of Canton, grandfather of Beth and Rebecca Williamson of Sharon, brother of Mrs.

Herbert Charles Levesque Peltier of Danvers, Mrs. of Mrs. Elmer Robert Goetz of Dedham, Shaughnessy and Mrs. Sherborn. Charles Funeral McCarthy, from both of the Dockray and Thomas Funeral Home, 455 Washington CANTON, Tuesday at 9.

Funeral Mass in St. John's Church at 10. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, should friends desire, contributions to the Speech Hearing Foundation of Mass. 419 Boylston Boston would be greatly appreciated.

-In Melrose, suddenly, October 30, Joseph, husband of the late Mildred (Reynolds) of 15 Poplar and father of Mrs. Patricia Amirault George Casey both of Melrose, brother of Miss Mildred Casey and Mrs. Marion Simons both of Melrose. Also survived by 5 grandchildren. Funeral from the Gately Funeral Home, 79 West Foster MELROSE.

Tuesday, November 2, at A.M. Funeral Mass at St. Mary's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m.

and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. CAVALIERI- Of E. Boston, October 30, 1976, Joseph beloved husband of Margaret (Panzino) father of Carol Silva of E. Boston, brother of Dr. Dominic Cavalieri of Lawrence of E.

Boston, Guy of N.J., Philomena Cooper of Revere, Connie Abbruzzesse and Eva Cecere, both of Arlington. Also survived by 2 grandchildren. Funeral from the Rapino Memorial Home, 9 Chelsea St. (Maverick Sq.) EAST Funeral BOSTON, Wednesday at Mass in the Holy Redeemer Church at 9. Relatives and friends invited to attend.

Visiting hours, Monday and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Interment, Woodlawn Cemetery. Veteran of WWII. Parking in rear of funeral home. CENTRELLA-By accident, October 29, Aquilino, beloved husband of Aurelia (Petrillo) and father of Gerard, Grace, Pia and Anthony of Malden, son of Gerado and Grace (D'amelio) Centrella of Medford, brother of Rosa Barletta of Malden, Mrs.

Pasqualina Petrillo, Mrs. Rita Gaglione, Mario Centrella, all of Medford and Nicola of Italy. Funeral from the Dello Russo Funeral Home, 306 Main MEDFORD, Tuesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in the Immaculate Conception Church, Malden at Medford line at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited.

Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9. Late member of Italian American Club of Malden and Laborers Union Local COBURN-In Lynn, formerly of residence 31 Waterford Chelsea, October 28, Frederick de beloved husband of the late Catherine V. (Linnehan) and father of Mary T. Stewart of Lynn, Dolores J. 'Coburn of Medford and John T.

Coburn of Saugus. Also survived by ten grandchildren, Catherine Dotolo, John, Patrick, Timothy, Frederick and Kelly Coburn, John, Frederick, Thomas and Edward Stewart. Funeral from the Frank A. Welsh Sons Funeral Home, 718 Broadway, CHELSEA, Tuesday, November 2 at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St.

Rose Church, Chelsea at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends most kindly invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9. Parking opposite Funeral Home. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden.

CONCANNON Woburn suddenly Oct. 28, James F. of 13 Hilltop Pkwy. Former husband of Emily (Callahan) and father of James F. Patrice Diana Michael P.

of Woburn and brother of Joseph R. Concannon of Stoneham. Funeral from The P.J. Cox Sons Funeral Home, 14 Highland (Off Green St.) Tues. Nov.

2 at 8:15. Funeral Mass at St. Charles Church at 9:00. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Mon.

2-4 7-9. CONKLIN- -Virginia J. of Springfield, Vermont, age 34, died October 30th. Survivors include her husband Gerard F. Conklin, a son Timothy J.

Conklin, a daughter Susan M. Conklin, all of Springfield. Vermont, her mother, Helen McLeavy of Hyde Mass. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m.

Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Springfield, call Vermont. Friends may at the Davis Memorial. Chapel in Springfield, Vermont, Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated Saturday, November 6th at 10 a.m.

at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Readville, Mass. COUILLARD Oct. -Charles 1976, E. the be- of Quincy, 29, loved husband of Vera M.

(Foster) of 166 Everett father of. Jeanne M. Farina of Plymouth. Also survived by 2 grandchildren. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from Keohane Funeral Home, 785 Hancock WOLLASTON, Tues.

at 9:15. Funeral Mass in St. Ann's Church at 10 a.m. Visiting hours Mon. 2-4, 7-9.

Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, 247 Commonwealth Boston. COZZI-In E. Boston, October 30, Louis, beloved son of the late Marguerite (Tutella) and Pasquale Cozzi, and brother of James of Revere. Patrick and Helen Sardina of E. Boston, Mrs.

Louise Matera of Medford, Mrs. Annette Giordano and Mrs. Marie Shaw of Calif. Funeral from the Magrath Funeral Home, 325 Chelsea (at Day Wednesday, at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in the Church of St.

Lazarus at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends p.m. and Tuesday, 2-4 and 7- Invited. Visiting hours, Monday, 9 p.m. Brockton, formerly of Dorchester, suddenly, Oct.

28, David beloved husband of Catherine J. (Sears), father of David Jr. Doreen M. and James T. Cracraft; son of Thomas Cracraft and Julia Barto- Il: brother of Barbara Miragila, and uncle of 12 nieces and nephews.

Relatives and friends invited to the Fitzgibbon Funeral Home, 252 Adams FIELDS CORNER, Dorchester, Monday evening from 7-9 p.m., Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Wednesday at 8 a.m., Church with Mass In St. Ambrose at 9 o'clock. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1968 Antonina Stanislovaitis 1976 You are forgotten, Mother Nor will you ever be As long as life and memory last We will remember thee Pa and daughters Boston Evening Globe Monday, Nov. 1, 1976 41 DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS NOTICES By CITY or TOWN ANDOVE! O'Brien, Mary A.

ARLINGTON O'Neil, Evaline Oppedisano, Josephine BEDFORD O'Connell, James J. BELMONT Gibson, Elmer BEVERLY Martin, John P. BILLERICA Leahy, Timothy Patrick Le Blanc, Arthur L. BOSTON Andrews, Alberta C. Appling, Elizabeth Hom, Shew Wy Kiander, Ann G.

Nevins, Freda O'Donnell, Mary Preston, Dorothy M. BRAINTREE Owinell, Thyra J. MacKay, Robert M. BRIGHTON Kupinsky, Esther Marshall, Mildred BROCKTON Berry, Esther L. Cracraft, David W.

Slatkiewicz, Joseph J. BROOKLINE Brown, Lyman R. Nelson. Elise M. CAMBRIDGE Cuoco, Rosalie F.

McCarthy, Mary CANTON Carr, William H. CHESTNUT HILL Davidson, Miriam DEDHAM Lydon, Peter J. DORCHESTER Harrington, Eva D. King, Mabel Martin, William F. Morrison, Virginia Mosher, Reta Sheehan, Edna EAST BOSTON Cavalieri, Joseph A.

Cozzi, Louis EVERETT Borggren, Herbert N. Hogan, Frederic Livingston, Alice J. Picone, FRAMINGHAM Horvitz, Mary Zeidel, Rose A. HARWICH Parnell. Napoleon P.

HAVERHILL Jones, Ruth L. Zamierowski, Julius J. HOPKINTON Dempsey, Mary HYANNIS Gallagher, Joan HYDE PARK O'Shea, Maurice JAMAICA PLAIN Partello, Ronald J. Scanzillo, Gerardo Partello, Ronald J. Scanzillo, Gerardo LEXINGTON Carlson, A Mary I.

Murphy, Arthur J. LOWELL McGagh, Julie St. Joseph Sr. Olsen, Arne R. LYNN Coburn, Frederick P.

Hickey, Joseph D. MALDEN Edith E. Centrella, Aquilino Goldberg, Albert Lauritzen, Aurora Malcolm, Anne C. Zarsky, Anna MATTAPAN. Reagan, Maude A.

MEDFIELD Perkins, George MEDFORD LaMarca, Theresa O'Connor, Alice M. Pagliuca, Giuseppe Young, Ann J. MELROSE Casey, Joseph MILTON Mullen, Alfred MISSION HILL Russi, Teresa NATICK Calhoun, Dr. W. Kenneth McGrath, Alfred NEEDHAM Moriarty, Margaret Reeves, Ralph F.

NEWTON Libby, NORTON Fox, Marvin D. NORWOOD Rondinelli, Domenico Sharpe, James J. QUINCY Couillard Charles E. D'Angelo, Lillian Goslin, James R. Hayes, James V.

Nelson, Harry A. Frank REVERE Green, David ROSLINDALE Mills, Robert H. Murphy, Margaret SAUGUS Sorenson, Mary L. SCITUATE Lynch, Arthur W. SHARON Sheridan, Jane SO.

BOSTON Dennehy, Joseph Jr. Granskie, Henry Melvidas, Elizabeth M. Riley, Monica SOMERVILLE Alcione, Luigi Ghirardi, Clorinda Soboll, Margaret M. SOUTH BOSTON Namaksy, Adolph J. STOUGHTON Sullivan, Mona A.

WALPOLE Lamperti Anthony, W. MacPherson, WALTHAM Horrigan, Mary Jenkins, Vives 'O'Neil, "WATERTOWN Monahan, John P. WELLESLEY Blackwood, Anna C. WEST BRIDGEWATER Swasky, Julia R. WEST ROXBURY Grady James J.

McHugh, Frank WEST YARMOUTH Winsor, June M. WILMINGTON Barboza, Fahey, Mary C. WINCHESTER Marshall, Hugh M. Russell J. WOBURN Concannon James F.

WORCESTER Donahue Thomas J. OUT OF STATE CALIFORNIA Mariano, Sarah NAPLES, FLA. Doherty, Charlotte VERMONT Conklin, Virginia J. DEATHS ADDISON-Of Maiden, October 30. Edith E.

(Batson), mother of George H. Addison Jr. of Everett, sister of Winifred H. Taylor and Harold A. Batson of Pinellas Park.

Lewis P. Batson of Lynn. Services at the Leo M. Norton Funeral Home, 287 Main MALDEN SQUARE on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9.

In lieu of flowers contributions to Tremont Temple Baptist Church appreciated. LCIONE -In Somerville, October 30. Luigi, beloved brother of Frank of Medford, Cosmo, Edith Geizenes and Ethel Alcione, all of Maiden; Armando of South Boston, Lena Stefanelli and Susan Ciccariello, both of Somerville. Funeral from the Cafasso Sons Funera: Home, 65 Clark (corner of Main St.) EVERETT. Tuesday morning, at 8.

Funeral Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Malden, at 9. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Visiting hours, Sunday 7-9 and Interment Monday 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. St. Michael's Cemetery, Boston.

ANDREWS-In Boston, October 27, Alberta C. Andrews, of 78 Myrtle formerly of Weymouth, beloved sister of Mrs. Josephine L. Keohan East Sandwich and Mrs. Bernice McNadd of Wayland; also survived by several nieces and nephews.

Funeral from the Daniel H. Clancy Funeral Home, 100 Washington WEYMOUTH, on Tuesday at 9. Funeral Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Weymouth at 10. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours are omitted.

-In Boston, October 24, Elizabeth (Little Bits), mother Victor of devoted friend of Charles Allen of Boston. Funeral, Tuesday, 1 p.m.. from the Chisolm Funeral Chapel, 532 Columbus BOSTON. Visiting hours, Monday, Friends are welcomed. Interment, Mt.

Hope Cemetery, BARBOZA-O1 Wilmington, Oct. 30, suddenly, Manuel, (Bill), beloved husband of Gladys (Simmons); father of Robert brother Mary Marino, John and Alfred. Grandfather of Carole Ann and Robert G. Barboza. Funeral from the Rogers Funeral Home, 380 Cambridge CAMBRIDGE, Wednesday at 9.

Funeral Mass in St. Anthony's Church, Cambridge at 10. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Retired employee of Avco.

Late member Civic Portuguese American League, Director of Men's Council No. 1. Cambridge. DEATHS CUOCO- Cambridge, October. 28, Rosalie F.

(Tortora) Cuoco, beloved wife of John C. Cuoco, mother of Joseph and John Cuoco, Theresa Sorrentino and Elaine Tierney, daughter of Concetta and the late John Tortora, sister of Philip, Peter, Salvatore and Nancy, Tortora, Carmella Vastano and Maria Vatalaro and the late Anthony Tortora. Also survived by 11 grandchildren. Funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home, 907 Mass.

CAMBRIDGE, Tuesday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass at the Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Employee of Polaroid Corp. Donations in her memory may be made to the Cancer Fund, Boston.

Visiting hours Saturday 7-9, Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. D'ANGELO- -In Quincy, Oct. 30, Lillian (Giuffre); wife of the late John; mother of Andrew of N.H. and Patrick D'Angelo of Weymouth, Josephine Pepe of Nina Ambrose of Fla. and Constance Cugno of Weymouth.

Also survived by 15 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Funeral from the Vincent Buonfiglio Funeral Home, 116 Franklin QUINCY, Tuesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Joseph's Church at 9:45 a.m. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9. Late member of Grazia Deledda Lodge. in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Italian Home for Children. -Of Chestnut Hill, October 30, Miriam daughter of the late George and Anne (Burke), sister of Marjorie E. of Chestnut Hill, Donald W.

of Reading, Mrs. Elsie M. Black of So. Yarmouth, and the late George A. Reading.

Funeral from the F.J. Higgins Funeral Home, 4236 Washington ROSLINDALE Tuesday, November 2 at 9. Funeral Mass at the Holy Name Church at 10. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 funeral and 7-9 home p.m.

Parking of on Cummins Highway. DEMPSEY-Of Woods Hopkinton, 31, Mary Dempsey: beloved sister of Charlotte A. Dempsey of Hopkinton and William A. Dempsey of Newtonville. Formerly Chief of Physiotherapy Dept.

of Veterans Hospital, So. Huntington Ave. Funeral from the Callanan Funeral Home, 34 Church Wednesday, at 10:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. John the Evangelist Church, friends at 11 a.m.

and invited. Visiting. hours Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. -In So. Boston, Oct.

29, suddenly, Joseph beloved son of Joseph Sr. and Mary E. (Cunniff) Carella, beloved brother of Mrs. Denise Willdigg, Mrs. Linda Willdigg, Michael Carella, all of Dorchester, and Anthony Carella of Quincy.

Funeral from the O'Brien Funeral Home, 146 Dorchester SO. BOSTON, Tuesday at 8. Funeral Mass at St. Vincent's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited.

Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. DOHERTY-Of Naples, formerly of Nauset Heights, East Orleans, at the N.E. Deaconess Hospital, Oct. 29, 1976, Charlotte (Callanan), wife of Dr. Julian Funeral from the Nickerson Funeral Home, Eldridge Park Way, ORLEANS, on Tuesday, Nov.

2, 10:30 a.m., followed by a Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church at 11 a.m. Burial will be in the Orleans Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday evening 7-9. Prayers will be said at the funeral home Monday evening.

Those who wish may make a donation to the American Cancer Society, Cape Cod Unit, 28 Barnstable Hyannis 02601 in her memory. DONAHUE-Of Worcester, Oct. 29, 1976, Thomas formerly of 29 Hadwen Lane, beloved husband of Ann R. (McGregor), loving father of Thomas J. Paul G.

both of Worcester, Helen W. Reidy of Burlington, brother of James F. Donahue, Malden, Miss Nora M. Donahue, Mrs. Mary A.

McManus, Miss Barbara Donahue all of Medford, Mrs. Josephine North, Mrs. Ann Miles both of Malden and 10 grandchildren. Funeral from the Walter F. Kelly Funeral Home, 154 Lincoln WORCESTER.

Followed by a Mass at 10 a.m. from the Blessed Sacrament Church, 561 Pleasant Burial in St. John's Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral home Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thyra J.

(Berg) of Braintree, October 30. Wife of the late James H. Dwinell. Mother of James Dwinell Jr. of Colorado, Mrs.

Arthur M. (Martha Davenport, Mrs. Bernard. J. (Helen Donaher and Walter E.

Dwinell, all of Braintree and George L. Dwinell of Quincy. Also survived by 9 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Leo J. McMaster and Son Funeral Home, 86 Franklin BRAINTREE (Route 37), Tuesday, November 2, at 11 a.m.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to visit Sunday 7-9 p.m. and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. FAHEY-Of Wilmington, Oct. 31, Mary C. (Meade), of 23 Aldrich beloved wife of John mother of Timothy J.

of Billerica and Henry E. of Wilmington, daughter of the late Henry and Anne Meade of Wilmington, sister of Mrs. Patricia Kennedy of Lillian. Britt of Woburn, Mrs. Anna Hamilton of Stoneham, Michael Meade of Allston and the late Katherine Blaisdell of Wilmington, also survived by 3 grandchildren.

Funeral from the WS Cavanaugh funeral home, 374 Main WILMINGTON (Rte.) 38) on Wednesday morning at 9:15. Funeral Mass at St. Dorothy's Church at 10 a.m. Friends may call Monday 7-9, Tuesday 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. FOX -Of Norton, formerly of Canton, suddenly Oct.

30, Marvin husband of Elizabeth M. (Marshall); father of Marvin D. of Plainville, Martin D. of TaUnton and Michael D. Fox of So.

Easton, Mrs. Marsha E. Greene of Attleboro; brother of William Fox of West Va. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend Funeral Services in the Dockray Thomas Funeral Home, 455 Washington CANTON, Tuesday at p.m. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9.

Graveside Service Evergreen Cemetery; Leominster at 3 p.m. -Joan (Sears), Oct. 31, in Hyannis at the age of 64, after a long illness, a resident of Whig Dennis, formerly of Weston, wife of William W. Gallagher Jr. and mother of William W.

Ill of Wellesley, Richard S. of Greenwich, and Christopher C. of Fort Lauderdale: Fla. Also survived by her brother, Percival A. Sears and her sister, Constance S.

both of Dennis, and 3 granddaughters. A memorial service will Nov. be conducted Wednesday, 3 at 2 p.m. in the Dennis Union Church. Private burial at the convenience of the family.

Donations may be made in her memory to the Dennis Rescue Squad Box 332, Dennisport, Mass. Arrangements by the Hallett Funeral Home, Station South Yarmouth. Somerville, Oct. 31. Clorinda (Ralli); beloved wife of the late James; devoted mother of James of Lynnfield; also survived by 3 grandchildren.

Funeral, from the Struzziero Funeral Home, 493 Somerville SOMERVILLE, Wednesday, Nov. a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Anthony's Church, at 9 a.m. and Visiting hours Tuesday, 2-4 7-9 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her memory to. the Jimmy Fund. -Of Belmont, suddenly, October 30, Elmer "Gibby" Gibson, husband of Marie E. (Gleason), brother of Dr. Hildur I.

Gibson of Marshfield and uncle of Gibson Gerry of Wellesley. Services in the Payson Park Congregational Church, Belmont Belmont, Wednesday, November 3 at 11 a.m. Friends may call at the Short, Williamson and Diamond Funeral Home, 52 Trapelo BELMONT, Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Contributions in his memory to the Swedish Home for the Aged, 206 Waltham W. Newton, would be gratefully appreciated.

Entered into rest Oct. 31. 1976, Albert. of 48 Harvard Maiden, beloved husband of the late Fannie (Weiner), devoted father of Irving Goidberg of Revere, Leonard Goldberg, of Wakefield, Mary Cooperstein Maiden, and Henry Goldberg, of Lowell, dear grandfather of six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Services at the Memorial Chapels, 174 Ferry MALDEN, Tuesday, Nov.

2, at 10 a.m. Memorial Week will be observed late residence through Friday, noon. Expressions of sympathy in his memory may be donated fo the American Heart Association. GOSLIN-In Quincy, by accident, Oct. 29.

James A. beloved husband of Penny (Bolster). Father of Lauren and James R. Goslin Ill. Beloved son of James R.

and Barrie (Carleton) Goslin, brother of Gerard, Richard Goslin and Barbara Meyers. Grandson of Mrs. Margaret Goslin. from the John Muiry Funeral Home, 223 Noponset NEPONSET. Tues.

at 10 a.m. Funeral mass In Sacred Heart Church at 11:00. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Mon. only 3-5 7-10 p.m.

GRADY- -Of West Roxbury, formerly of Jamacia Plain, suddenly, October 30, James J. Jr. (Skippy), beloved husband of the late Catherine H. (Feeney) Grady, devoted father of Mrs. Jane Darcy of Westwood, Richard D.

of West Roxbury, James and John P. Grady, both of Hyde Park, brother of Anna May Grady, and Mrs. Margaret Morrison, both of Jamaica Plain. Funeral from the Brady Funeral Home, 10 Tower (Opp. Forest Hills MBTA Station), FOREST HILLS, on Wednesday morning, November 3, at 8:15.

Funeral Mass in St. Thomas Acquinas Church, at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Visiting hours Monday 7-9 p.m., Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment St.

Joseph's Cemetery. Late Examiner of Dept. of Corporation and Taxation, Bureau of Accounts. Parking in rear of Funeral Home. So.

Boston, sud-. denly, October 29, Henry Granskie, brother of Mrs. Mildred (Granskie) Chmielinski, grandfather of Brian and Dianne Blagden, Thomas, Lynda, James Granskie. Funeral from the Cassidy Funeral Home, 743 Broadway, at SO. BOSTON, on Tuesday, November 2, at 8 a.m.

Funeral Mass the Gate of Heaven Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Late member of I.T.O.A., Taxi Assoc. Visiting hours Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment St.

Joseph's Cemetery, W. Roxbury. GREEN-David, of 14 Arlington Revere, on Oct. 31: beloved husband of Charlotte (Cohen); devoted father of Howard and Marsha Green both of Revere; dear brother of Sadie and Esther Green both of Melrose. Services at the Tort Funeral Chapel, 151 Washington CHELSEA on Monday, Nov.

1 at 2 p.m. Interment in- Everett. Memorial Week at his late residence. Contributions in his memory may be made to the Heart Fund. HARRINGTON -Of Dorchester, Oct.

30, Eva D. (Lothrop). Wife of Edwin Harrington. Sister of Roy and Joseph Lothrop, Sylvia and Sally Pacios, Esther Pitrone, Clarice Prime and June Hennefeld. Daughter of Pearl Scribner and Chester Lothrop.

service at the Dolan Funeral Home, 1140 Washington DORCHESTER LOWER MILLS on Tuesday morning at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. HAYES- James in Quincy, October 31st, beloved husband of Elizabeth C. (Drummey) Hayes, brother of the late Joseph and Eileen Hayes and Mrs.

Mary Hughes of Belmont, Daniel of New York, John of South Boston, and Sister Catherine Hayes S.C., of Kentucky. Reposing at the Joseph Sweeney Funeral Home, 74 Elm Street, QUINCY CENTER, until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Funeral Mass in St. Joseph's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Visiting hours Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Interment Mt. Benedict, West Roxbury. Late Honorary member, Pere Marquette Council K. of No.

271 of South Boston. HICKEY-In Lynn, October 31, Joseph D. of 10 Farrar Lynn, formerly of Brookline, age 84, husband of the late Caroline (Luce) Hickey, father of Mrs. Mary H. Deininger of Weston, brother of Miss Gertrude Hickey and Miss Katherine Hickey, both.

of Brookline and Mrs. Relatives Mary Conroy of Quincy. friends are invited to attend the funeral from the T.W. Rhodes Funeral Home, 67 Ocean LYNN on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St.

John's Church Swampscott at 10 a.m. Interment in Holyhood Cemetery, Brookline. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7- 9. Those who wish may contribute in his memory to a charity of their choice. HOGAN- Everett, October 29, Frederic Hogan, beloved husband of the late Norella (Mullins) and uncle of Thomas Hogan of Everett, Edward Hogan of Malden, brother-in-law of Mary Hogan of Everett.

Funeral from the John F. Ward and Son Funeral Home, 772 Broadway, EVERETT, Tuesday, November 2, at 9:15 a.m. Funeral Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 10:15 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m., Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Interment, Glenwood Cemetery. Life member Everett Lodge of Elks No. 642. CHANGE HOM-Of Boston, October 29, 1976, Shew Wy Hom, 45, late residence 6 Tyler brother of Kam Gee Tom of New York Funeral Service at the Eastman Funeral Home, 896 Beacon corner of Park BOSTON, Wednesday, November 3 at p.m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to call at the Funeral Home, Tuesday p.m.

Interment in Forest Cemetery, Boston. -In Waltham, Oct. 29, Mary E. (Arsenault). Widow of John G.

Horrigan. Mother of John F. of Quincy, Joseph of Medford, James E. of Reading, Mrs. Mary Ann Mayo of Waltham, ahd.

sister of, Edgar Arsenault of Northville, N.Y.. Edmund and Henri Arsenault, both of Tracadie, N.B., and Mrs. Imelda Cummings of New Castle, N.B. Also survived by 9 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Francis J.

Joyce and Son Funeral Home, 552 Main WALTHAM, Tuesday, Noy. 2. at 10:15 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. tives and friends invited.

Visiting Mary's Church at 11 a.m. Relahours Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Concord, formerly of Waltham, October 30, 1976, Vives (Wakefield), wife of the late Charles E. Jenkins, mother of Mrs. Marjorie Field of Naperville, Ill.

and Charles Jenkins of Acton, also survived by 4 grandchildren. Funeral service in the Cate and Pratt Funeral Home, 1251 Washington WEST NEWTON, Tuesday, November 2, at 11 a.m. Visiting hours Monday 2-4, 7-9 p.m. Burial in Newton Cemetery. Contributions may be made in her name to the Church of the Shepherd Memorial Fund, Box 25, Acton, Mass.

JONES -In Beverly, October 29, 1976, Miss Ruth Jones, formerly of 247 Mill Haverhill, daughter of the late Boyd B. and Charlotte (Nelson) Jones and sister of the late Eleanor Poor Jones. Her relatives and friends are invited to a funeral service at Trinity Episcopal Church, 26 White Haverhill, Tuesday 2 p.m. Friends who wish may make contributions in her memory to Trinity Episcopal Church. At the request of the family there will be no calling hours.

Arrangements by Dole and Childs Funeral Home, 148 Main Haverhill. KIANDER-In Boston, October 30, Ann G. (Currie) beloved wife of George O. Kiander, sister George Currie of Revere, niece of Mrs. Alberta Murray of Quincy.

Funeral from the John G. Molloy Funeral Home, 1126 Washington Dorchester LOWER MILLS, on Tuesday. November 2, at 9 a.m, Funeral Mass. in Ann's Church, Boston at 10 A.M. Relatives and friends invited.

Visting 'hours Sunday 7-9 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9. Parking in rear of Funeral Home, Interment Mt. Benedict Cemetery. KING -In Dorchester, Oct. 30, Mabel beloved daughter of the late Walter and Christine (Kennedy) King.

Sister of Sr. Mary Grace, O. Cincinnati, Ohio, Walter J. and Mrs. Howard L.

(Catherine) Woods, both of Dorchester. Funeral from the Bernard Kelly and Son Funeral Home, 8 Church DORCHESTER on Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Peter's Church at 9 a.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Calling hours on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Randolph. KUPINSKY -On Saturday, Oct.

30, Esther (Kaplan), of Brighton; beloved wife of the late Samuel; devoted mother of Sylvia Levitov and Herbert Kopins of Newton and Selma Gatterman of Somerset. sister of Bessie Brown Winthrop, Anne Cherenson of West Palm Beach, Florida and Frances Stearns of Newton; edored grandmother of seven grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Services at the Levine Chapel, 470 Harvard Street, BROOKLINE, on Monday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. There will be no Memorial Week.

LaMARCA--In Medford, October 28, Theresa (Siciliano), beloved wife of Salvatore and mother of Stephen S. and Anthony P. of Burlington. Mrs. Carol T.

Dalton of Everett; sister of Parziale of Medford, Mrs. Celia DiFronzo of Maiden and the late Pat and Frank Siciliano of Medford; also survived by 11 grandchildren. Funeral from the Dello Russo Funeral Home, 306 Main MEDFORD, Tuesday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Clement's Church at 9 a.m.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Visiting hours Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9. LAMPERTI -Of Walpole, Oct, 31, 1976. Anthony W. Jr.

beloved son of Anthony W. Sr. and Maureen C. (Leighton) Lamperti. Brother of Robin Ann' and Elon Ann Lamperti both of Walpole.

Funeral from the James H. Delaney Funeral Home, 48 Common St. WALPOLE on Wednesday. at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 a.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. LAURITZEN-Of William mother Malden, mingham, DeFazio, Maiden of Oregon, son, Agda son and Funeral the Weir lem Nov. 2 at at the 7-9 and Le 20, Arthur beloved (Fornier), Vadrani Amesbury, Phoenix, W.S. neral 38) 9:15.

thy's a.m. 7-9 and LEAHYTimothy band ther of and Miss Chelmsford Maryland. Jeffers survived neral from Funeral BILLERICA, vember in St. Relatives invited. 2-4, 7-9 the Carter, Co.

of LIBBY ber 29, the late Catherine Jewett Charlotte both of Mackay tre Street, at 8:10 Mass in Washington at 9 a.m. are kindly Monday sions of in her Cancer Fund. 31, Miss daughter (Brister) Edgar L. ough, nieces. held in derson EVERETT, a.m.

chapel, p.m. LYDON-Of ter late Claire father Denise Brother land and Norwood, McLean Wight of Swenor Cannon at 9:15. Mary's and friends Sun. 7-9 Late Post. and wood LYNCH--Of West Arthur the late devoted (Patricia) Mrs.

carez survived neral neral WEST November Mass in 10 o'clock. most Monday, ment in MacKAY-Of of Braintree, ert (Sewall) Street, R. MacKay both of MacKay G. Weymouth MacKay; MacKay, Poole, Mayo of Adams John F. tuate; in by 3 vices in Church, Wednesday, and at the Home, BRAINTREE.

Tuesday, of flowers, may be Cancer Memorial gregational MAC Oct. 31, daughter R. of Beverly Donald Jr. of Walpole. H.

Common Tuesday in. Blessed 10 a.m. invited. 4 and MARIANO fornia, Maynard, ow of mother of wood, Julie Mrs. Mrs.

nard, Florida, New California; Pareago no of 9:15 a.m. Home, NARD, neral Church. to 4 and ber 28, loved Mother Waltham. Kammerer Also and 1 neral doon ting at 8 St. o'clock.

invited. Cemetery. evening and 7-9 MARSHALL tober the late shall, shall of Lynda Carol Funeral Costello Washington on iting p.m. MARTIN30, of the of Mrs. West as E.

late Martin. grandchildren. Dolan ington ER MILLS, at 8:15 Gregory's Relatives iting day 2-4 Executive chusetts Store rector former Kiwanis made in Fund. MARTIN band of tin; father and from Home, Wednesday, Mass Beverly tives attend. 4 and tober Sister Costa Agnes neral Home, TRAL' ember Mass vard Monday Maiden, wife of the late F.

Sr. of Kenilworth of Stella V. Phinney of William F. Jr. of FraHenry Ruth J.

and Norman C. all of and Laura E. Tiedeman sister of Marie PearOlson and Olof CarlDaniel Carlson all of Ill. services will be held at Funeral Home, 144 SaMALDEN on Tuesday, 10 a.m. Friends may call Funeral Home on Sunday Monday 2-4 and 7-9.

BLANC-Of Billerica, October L. of 9 Sheffield Drive, husband of Mabel E. brother of Mrs. Edna and Mrs. Stella Le Barlow of Albert Blanc of Arizona.

Funeral from Cavanaugh and Son FuHome, 374 Main (Route WILMINGTON on Tuesday at Funeral Mass at St. DoroChurch, Wilmington at 10 Friends may call on Sunday Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Billerica, October 31, Patrick, beloved husMary (Power) Leahy. FaMrs. Margaret Thomas Noreen Leahy, both of and James Leahy of Brother of Mrs.

A. of London, Also by 10 grandchildren. Futhe Sweeney Memorial Home, 66 Concord Road, on Wednesday, No3, at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass Mary's Church at 9 a.m. and friends respectfully Visiting hours, Tuesday p.m.

Late employee of Rice Storrs Bement Boston. -Of West Newton, OctoMary J. (Granville) wife John W. and mother of Prior, Mary Jane and William, all of Newton; Pouliot and John Natick. Funeral from the Funeral Home, 465 CenNEWTON on Tuesday a.m.

Followed by a funeral St. Bernard's Church, Street, West Newton Friends and relatives invited. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Expressympathy may be made memory to the American Society or the Heart LIVINGSTON-Of Everett, Oct. Alice J.

Livingston, of the late Annie J. Livingston; sister of Livingston of PeterborN.H.: also survived by 2 Funeral services will be the chapel of J. E. Broadway, Wednesday, at 11 Friends may call at the Tuesday, 2-4. and 7-9 Dedham, Oct.

30, Pebeloved husband of the M. (Doherty). Devoted of Donna, Deborah and Lydon of 89 Court St. of Elizabeth B. McFarMary D.

Bilotta both of Anna Lydon Helen both of Walpole, Rita Needham and Katherine of Cal. Funeral from The Funeral Home, 437 High DEDHAM on Tues. morning Funeral Mass in St. Church at 10:00. Relatives invited.

Visiting hours Mon. 2-4 7-9 PM. member VFW Jacobs Jones DAV. Interment KnollCemetery, Canton. Situate, formerly of Roxbury, October 29, 1976, beloved husband of Katherine G.

(Cunneen), father of Mrs. David Edwards of of Pembroke, Marie Arnold Menlo Park, and Mrs. Arthur (Clare) Alof Concord, also by 8 grandchildren. Fufrom the P. E.

Murray FuHome, 2000 Center ROXBURY. on Tuesday, 2, at 9 a.m. Funeral St. Theresa's Chapel at Relatives and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

InterSt. Joseph's Cemetery. Hingham, formerly Oct. 30, 1976, Robhusband Cora F. MacKay of Prospect Hingham; father of David and Paul M.

MacKay, Situate and Jean M. of Hingham; son of Edith (Gibbons) MacKay of South and the late Murray V. brother of Mary E. Edith Lyons Ruth all of Weymouth, Margaret Newport, R.I., Eleanor of Abington and the late MacKay, formerly of Sciaddition he is survived grandchildren. Funeral serthe First Congregational Elm Street, Braintree, at 11 a.m.

Relatives friends invited. Visiting hours Mortimer N. Peck Funeral 516 Washington Monday, 7-9 p.m.; 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In lieu memorial donations sent to' the American Society, Boston or to the Fund of the First ConChurch in Braintree. PHERSON-Of Walpole, 1976, Robin beloved of Kenneth A.

and Lena (Crognalo) MacPherson, sister Davis of Wrentham, of Franklin, Kenneth A. Bellingham and Paul B. of Funeral from the James Delaney Funeral Home, 48 WALPOLE on at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass Sacrament Church at Relatives and friends Visiting hours Monday 2- 7-9. -Of Sacramento, CaliOctober 29, formerly of Sarah (Pareago), widthe late John Mariano; of Alfred of Groton, Louis California, Dominic of WestBennie of Maynard, Mrs.

Gonsalves California, Louisa Carlino, of California, Theresa Pozerycki of MayMrs. Josephine Papdales of Mrs. Annie Ledgard Hampshire and Albert of sister of Mecca and Mrs. Virginia Cantiat the Twombly Maynard. Funeral Tuesday 42 Summer Street, MAYfollowed by 10 a.m.

FuMass at St. Casimir's Visiting hours 7 to 9 p.m. Brighton, OctoMildred (Kammerer). Bewife of the late Lawrence. of Mrs.

Corinne of Sister of John of Providence, R.I. survived grandchildren great granddaughter. Fufrom the McNamara-MulFuneral Home, 300 Market BRIGHTON, Funeral Tuesday morno'clock. Columbkille Church at 9 Relatives and friends Interment Evergreen Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m. and Monday 2-4 p.m.

-In Winchester, Oc31, Hugh husband of uncle Margaret of Edward (McCue) S. MarStockton Springs, Marshall of Boston, and Timberlake of Strong, Me. service at the Robert J. Funeral Home, 177 WINCHESTER, Wednesday at 10 o'clock. Vishours, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 -In Dorchester, October William beloved husband late Irene G.

(Tafe) father Geraldine M. Kennedy of Roxbury, brother of ThomMartin of Wollaston and the Edmund Leo and Anne Also survived by 10 Funeral from the Funeral Home, 1140 DORCHESTER LOWon Tuesday morning with a Funeral Mass in St. Church at 9 o'clock. and friends invited. Vishours Sunday 7-9 and Monand 7-9.

Former Chief of the Boston, Massaand National Package Association, Executive diof the Caritas Guild, and a member of the Roxbury Club. Donations may be his name to the Cancer -Of Beverly, Oct. 31, Martin of Wedgemere formerly of Chelsea, husGertrude M. (Perry) Marof John P. Martin Jr.

Gregory P. Martin. Funeral the Campbell Funeral 525 Cabot BEVERLY, at 8:15 a.m. Funeral in St. Margaret's Church, Farms, at 9:00 a.m.

Relaand friends are invited to Visiting hours Tuesday, 2- 7-9 p.m. Cambridge, McCarthy, Oc29, Mary of Ann. Little and both of Cambridge and White of Watertown, Fufrom the Watson Funeral 11. Magazine CENSQUARE, Tuesday, Nov 2, at 9:15 A.M. Funeral in St.

Paul's Church, HarSquare at 10. Calling hours 2-4 and 7-9. FUNERAL SERVICE Jaffey Medford 396-7700 McGAGH, JULIE ST. JOSEPH SND -Died Friday, October 29 at Notre Dame Institute, 555 Plantation Worcester. She was born in Lowell, daughter of the late Thomas and Margaret (Flynn) McGagh.

She leaves 2 sisters, Erie N. Priest of Lowell and Mrs. Paul W. Cox of Chelmsford, 3 nephews and a niece. For the past 5 years, Sr.

Julie taught at St. Patrick School, Lowell. The funeral is Tuesday with a Mass at 10 a.m. in Notre Dame Institute Chapel. Burial in Worcester.

Calling, hours observed Sunday and at Notre Dame Institute. Donations in her memory may be made to Sisters of Notre Dame, 555 Plantation Worcester. McGRATH-Of West Natick, suddenly on Saturday, October 30, Alfred J. husband of Dorothy E. (Wrightson), residence 14 Crescent father of Michael of West Natick and Susan of Taunton, Richard of Simsbury, Ct.

and Mrs. Jeffrey (Marcia) Coburn of Feltwell, England, son of Alfred J. McGrath of Auburn, N.Y. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his Funeral Mass in The Church of St. Linus, Hartford Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.

Visiting hours at the John Everett Memorial (opposite Natick Common) NATICK, Monday 7-9 and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. Interment St. Patrick's Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Donations in his memory may be made to the Intensive Care Unit of Leonard Morse Hospital, Natick.

McHUGH-Of West Roxbury, unexpectedly, October 29, Frank beloved husband of Eleanor P. (Tileston) and father of Carol A. Lane of Walpole. Brother of Elizabeth M. Meunier of West Roxbury, Charles J.

of West Roxbury, John T. of Dorchester and James E. McHugh of Falmouth. Also survived by three grandchildren. Funeral from the Folsom Funeral 63 Belgrade ROSLINDALE, Tuesday at 9 a.m.

Funeral Mass at St. John Chrysostom Church of West Roxbury at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. MELVIDAS-In South Boston, October 29, Elizabeth M.

(Auryls), beloved wife of the late Joseph and devoted mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Natkus and devoted grandmother of Mrs. Lorraine Zammito and also survived by two Visiting hours at the Joseph W. Casper Sons Funeral Home, 187 Dorchester SOUTH BOSTON, Sunday 7-9 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Mass in St.

Peter's Lithuanian Church, South Boston, Tuesday, November 2 at 9 a.m.' Interment New Calvary Cemetery, Boston. Late member of the South Boston's Citizens Association, MILLS -Of Roslindale, Oct. 30, Robert beloved husband of the late Anna (Chmura) and father of Robert P. and Elizabeth both of Roslindale. Funeral from the F.

J. Higgins Funeral Home. 4236 Washington ROSLINDALE Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in the Sacred Heart Church at 10.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Late member Sterotypers Union No. 2. Late employee Boston Globe.

Parking in rear of Funeral Home on Cummins Highway. MONAHAN -In Watertown, Oct. 30, John of 10 Cross beloved husband of Florence M. (Kennedy), brother of James E. and Mrs.

Michael (Rose) O'Hara, both of Watertown. Funeral from the W. H. Thomas Memorial Funeral Home, 75 Galen WATERTOWN, Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 8:15 a.m.

Funeral Mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend. Calling hours Monday only, 2-4 and 7-9. Late school traffic supervisor, Town of Watertown.

In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be made to the American Cancer Society, 247 Comm. Boston. (02116). MORIARTY-Of Needham, Oct. 31, Margaret E.

(Kennedy), formerly of West Roxbury, beloved wife of the late Francis mother of Jeanne M. Ciolfi of Needham; sister of Mary Ross of Sun City, Calif. Also survived by 3 grandchildren. Funeral from the William J. Gormley Funeral Home, 2055 Centre (near LaGrange st.) WEST ROXBURY, Wednesday, Nov.

3 at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Theresa's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 7- 9, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9.

-In Dorchester, October 30, Virginia (Reis). Beloved wife of the late Michael loving mother of Col. Charles U.S.A.F. retired, of West Roxbury, Richard Peter Jane M. Margulis, all of Dorchester, Kevin M.

of Brockton, and Paul T. Morrison of Newton. Survived by 22 grandchildren. Visiting hours in the Murphy Funeral Home, 1020 Dorchester DORCHESTER, Monday 2-4 and 7-9. Funeral Mass in St.

Williams Church, Tuesday morning, November 2 at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Parking in rear of funeral home. MOSHER-In Dorchester, Oct. 30, Reta (DeLong); beloved wife of the late William L.

Mosher; beloved mother of Marion H. Cully and the late Ralph D. Mosher; beloved sister of C. Douglas DeLong of Miami, mother-inlaw of George Cully; sister-in-law of Walter F. Mosher.

Funeral services in Immanuel Baptist Church, 191 Adams Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 10 a.m. Visiting hours in the Thomas D. Russell Funeral Home, 1644 Dorchester DORCHESTER, Monday, 7- 9 p.m.; Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

Late member Eastern Star and Honorary Member Orange Lodge. MULLEN-In Milton, October 28, Alfred L. Mullen, beloved husband of Ellen K. father of Daniel J. Mullen of West Barnstable and the late Alfred L.

Mullen also survived by three grandchildren. Funeral from J. B. Cole Gleason Milton Home for Funerals, 5 Canton at MILTON VILLAGE, on Tuesday at 8:15. Funeral Mass at St.

Elizabeth's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 and Monday 2- 4 and 7-9. Inferment Milton Cemetery. Roslindale.

suddenly, Oct. 30, Margaret (McGrath), beloved wife of the late Gordon Murphy. Mother of Mrs. Kathleen A. Flaherty Roslindale, Paul D.

Murphy of Hull. Grandmother of Brian and Mary anne Flaherty, David and Catherine Murphy. Sister of David McGrath, Mrs. Lillian Connors, both of Randolph, Mrs. Mary Maloney of So.

Boston. Funeral from the John P. Hearn Funeral Home, 43 Cummins Highway, Roslindale, on Tuesday, Nov. at 10 a.m. Funeral Mass at the Sacred Heart Church at 11 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday evening 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment Mt. Benedict Cemetery. MURPHY-Of Lexington, October.

30, Arthur J. Beloved husband of Evelyn B. (Roith). Father of Mrs. Judy McCormick and Mrs.

Karen Beck, both of Lexington. Brother of Mrs. Rose Montgomery of Melrose, Miss Marion of Murphy Winchester, James Arlington, Frank Jr. of Somerville, of John of Arlington, Joseph Medford and Thomas Murphy Cohasset. Also survived by 1 grandson.

Funeral from the Douglass Funeral Home, 51 Worthen LEXINGTON, Wednesday. November Funeral 3 at Mass. 9:15 a.m., followed by a at St. Brigid's Church at 10 a.m. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

NAMAKSY-Of Newton Center, October 31. Adolph age 79. Beloved husband of Kathryn A. (Shea). Devoted father of Mrs.

Nancy Chaloff of Newton Center, Major A. J. Namaksy. U.S.A.F.. of the Pentagon, Washington D.C.

Beloved brother of Mrs. Alice Dauksewicz, of Brockton, Mrs. Louise Mashidlausky of Lusby, Md. Also survived by four grandchildren. Visiting hours at the Joseph W.

Casper and Sons Funeral Home, 187. Dorchester SOUTH BOSTON. Monday 7- 9 and Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Mass in St. Peter's Lithuanian Church, South Boston, Wednesday, November 3 at.

10 a.m. Interment, Forest Hill Cemetery, Boston. Founder of Namaksy Insurance Agency and late member of South Boston's Lithuanian Citizens Association. and Saugus, October 31, Miss NELSON -Formerly of Brookline Elise M. Nelson, Funeral services will be held in the Peterson Funeral Home, 167 Maple Street, DANVERS, Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett. 1875 Service To Any Distance 1976 J. D.

Fallon Son FUNERAL HOME 7 GREENOUGH AVE. At Soldiers Monument JAMAICA PLAIN TELEPHONE 524-2667 air conditioned A CENTURY OF SERVICE -Harry of Quincy, October 29, 1976, the beloved husband of Helen C. (Busby) of 27 Madeleine the devoted father of Richard F. and Donaid both of Quincy, Harriet McLaughfin of Somerville, Helen Griffin of Medford and Sargeant John E. Nelson, U.S.M.C.

at Camp Lejeune, N.C., brother of John Nelson of Fort Lauderdale, also survived by 14 grandchildren. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from Keohane Funeral Home, 785 Hancock WOLLASTON, Tuesday at 9:15. Funeral Mass in Most Blessed Sacrament Church at 10 a.m. Visiting hours Sunday, 7-9, Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. NEVINS-In Boston, October 31, Freda (Searles).

beloved wife of Lawrence S. Nevins, devoted sister of Pearley Searles, and Mrs. Crystal Lennon of Caribou, Mrs. Ruby McGuinnes of Augusta, and Mrs. Leola Cyr of Portland, Me.

Funeral from the John J. Connolly Memorial Chapel, 1409 Washington (across from the Cathedral), Tuesday, November 2, at 8:15 a.m. Requiem Mass in the Holy Cross Cathedral at 9. Visiting hours, Monday, 2-4, and 7-9. Relatives and friends invited.

Interment, Gethsemane Cemetery, W. Roxbury. 0'BRIEN-in Andover, Oct. 30, formerly of Medford, Mary A. (Madore); wife of Jeremiah O'Brien; mother of Rev.

Gerard C. O'Brien S.J. of Boston College, Mrs. John (Virginia) Cahill of Andover, ThoMAs M. O'Brien Andover and Alan E.

O'Brien of Everett. Funeral from the A. J. Breslin and Son Funeral Home. 610 Pleasant MALDEN, at Medford Line, Tuesday, at 10:15 a.m.

Funeral Mass in the Immaculate Conception Church, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. O'CONNELL-Of Bedford. suddenly, October 29, 1976, James J.

O'Connell. Funeral will be held from the Louis H. Spencer Funeral Home, 52 Waltham Lexington Center, Tuesday November 2 at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Michael's Church, Bedford at 10 a.m.

Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Late retired employee of Fort Devens. Late past district deputy of the circle district and late charter member, past exalted ruler and honorary life member of the Lexington B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.

2204 the officers and members of the Lexington Lodge No. 2204 will meet at the Funeral Home, Sunday October 21 at 8 p.m. O'CONNOR- -Of Medford, October 29th, Alice M. (Romano), beloved wife of the late Comm. Arthur C.

O'Connor, USNR, mother of Jame E. O'Connor of Medford, sister of Mrs. Helena Sullivan and Arthur Romano both of Medford. Funeral from the Gaffey Memorial Funeral Home, 43 High MEDFORD SQ. on Tuesday, November 2 at 9 a.m.

followed by a Funeral Mass in St. Francis of Assisi Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 p.m., Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. O'DONNELL-In Boston, Oct.

31, Mary (Kennedy), wife of the late John J. O'Donnell. Mother of Patricia Bagley of Roslindale and the late John J. O'Donnell Jr. of Somerville.

Complete notice to follow, Arrangements by the John P. Hearn Funeral Home. OLSEN-Died in Lowell. October 30. Arne R.

Olsen of 140 Groton North Chelmsford. Father of Dr. Everett V. Olsen and Alberton Olsen. Also survived by two sisters, one brother, two granddaughters, and three grandsons.

Friends will be received at the Morse Funeral Home, 122 Princeton LOWELL, from 3 until 5, and from 7 until 9 p.m. Monday. Services at the Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment at Fairview Cemetery, North Chelmsford.

Funeral Director. Robert T. Morse. -Of Waltham, Oct. 30, Marion wife of Marvin A.

O'Neil mother of Catherine R. and Elizabeth A. O'Neil both of Waltham; daughter of Catherine F. Thomas of Waltham. Funeral from the Brown and Donahue Funeral Home, 36 Trapelo BELMONT, Tuesday, Nov.

2, at 10 a.m. Funeral Mass in Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Church, Trapelo Waltham, at 11 a.m. Visiting hours Monday, 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. O'NEIL -In Arlington, Oct. 31, Evaline M.

Boudreau, wife of the late Robert M. O'Neil and sister of Etella M. Shaw. Funeral from the D. W.

Grannan Son Funeral Home, 378 Mass. ARLINGTON, Tuesday, at 10 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Agnes Church, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited.

Visiting hours, Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. OPPEDISANO- -In Arlington, October 30, Josephine Guissepina (Panetta) Oppedisano, beloved wife of the late Rosario Oppedisano, mother of Pat, Dominic, Charles, Francesca, Lee, Adeline and Amy Oppedisano, Bugden, Virginia Giurleo. Also survived by grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home, 226 Mass.

ARLINGTON, Tuesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. Agnes Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday and Monday 2-4, 7-9 p.m.

O'SHEA-Of Hyde Park, formerly of Middleton, County Cork, Ireland, October 28, Maurice, beloved husband of Margaret (Ryan) Doyle O'Shea, father of Mrs. Ronald (Noreen) Menconi of Quincy, Maurice J. O'Shea of Norton, Margaret O'Shea of Hyde Park, stepfather of Sgt. Maj. Daniel J.

Doyle, U.S.A., John E. Doyle of Mrs. Edward (Mary) Vigue of Stoughton, brother of Thomas O'Shea, Mrs. Nellie Nolan, both of Middleton County Cork, Ireland, Mrs. Fannie Fitzgerald of London, and the late Elizabeth Lowney.

Survived by 8-11 grandchildren. Funeral from the Carroll-Thomas Funeral Home, 22 Oak Street, HYDE PARK, morning at 8. Funeral Mass in Most Precious Blood Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Late member of Paper Maker's Union Diamond International. PAGLIUCA- -In Medford, October 30, Giuseppe, beloved husband of Maria (Musto), and father of Ralph and Nicholas of Medford. Funeral from the Dello Russo Home, 306 Main MEDFORD, Thursday at 8 a.m. Mass in St. Joseph's Church at 9 a.m.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Visiting hours, Tuesday 7-9, and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9. PARNELL-In Hyannis, Oct. 30, formerly of Dorchester, Napoleon beloved husband of Christine E. (McDonough) Parnell of 99 DIvision West Harwich; father.

of Donald F. of Holliston, Kenneth P. and Miss Barbara J. Parnell of Goffstown, N.H. Funeral from the Doane, Beal and Ames Funeral Chapel, Main HARWICH PORT.

Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 9:15 a.m. to be followed by a Funeral Mass in Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Friends may call at the funeral home, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Interment Island Pond Cemetery, Harwich. PARTELLO- of Jamal' ca Plain, Oct. 29, Ronald beloved husband of Linda (Sceusa), father of Rennee, son of A. and Mary M. (Mannis).

Brother of Mrs. Mary Ann Harris, Stephen Brien, Wayne, Kenneth, Cheryl, Donald and Diane. Funeral from the F. Funeral Home, 4236 Washington ROSLINDALE Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 8 a.m.

Funeral Mass in St. Andrew the Apostle Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Parking in rear of funeral home on Cummins hwy.

PERKINS- Medfield, Oct. 31, 1976, George beloved husband of Marjorie F. (Pike) Perkins. Loving father of George N. 111.

of Franklin, Elliott of Holliston, Stephen of Beverly, Charles E. and Miss' Marjorie E. Perkins, both of Medfield. Also survived by one grandchild. Private funeral services will be on Wednesday at the RobertsMitchell Funeral Chapel, 15 Miller MEDFIELD.

There will be no visiting hours. it is requested that flowers be omitted and contributions in his memory be made to Friends of the Library Fund, Mrs. Carl S. Archer. Mernorial Library, Medfield, MA 02052.

RELIGIOUS MEMORIALS One Hour FREE DELIVERY CALL and CHARGE 323-5000 MISSION GIFT SHOP, Roslindale, MA PICONE-Of Everett, Oct. 31, Gertrude E. (Price): beloved wite of the late John E. Picone: mother of Mrs. Pauline Pascouchi of Everett, Mrs.

Mary Borges of Wakefield, and James Nelson PIcone of Wakefield; sister of Mrs. Jean P. Scott of Everett. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of J. E.

Henderson 517 Broadway, EVERETT, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. Friends may cell Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory to the Heart Fund would be appreciated. -In Boston, October 30. Dorothy M.

(Manning), devoted mother of Robert A. and Joseph J. Funeral from the Gerald W. Lehman Funeral Home, 569 Cambridge BRIGHTON, Tuesday morning at 9:10, followed by a Funeral Mass in St. Columbkille's Church at 10 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are kindly Interment. Evergreen Cemetery, Visiting hours, Monday, 7-9. REAGAN-In Mattapan, Oct. 31, Maude A. (Hadfield).

beloved wife of the late Dennis L. Reagan; mother of Mrs. Ann Hunter of Cambridge and Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards of Milton; also survived by 12 grandchildren. Funeral from the John G.

Molloy Funeral Home, 1126 Washington DORCHESTER LOWER MILLS, Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 6 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Angela's Church, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

Visiting hours, Monday, 7-9 p.m. and Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Parking in rear of funeral home. Interment, Mt. Calvary Cemetery.

REEVES -In St. Petersburg, formerly Needham, Ralph husband of Lillian E. (Branton), father of Lawrence F. Reeves of New York City, John M. Reeves of Alfred, Maine, brother of Horace Reeves of Kennebunk, Maine and Clifford H.

Reeves of Malden. Services at the Eaton Funeral Home, 1351 Highland NEEDHAM, Tuesday, November 2 at 11 a.m. Burial in Gienwood Cemetery, Everett. RILEY-Of So. Boston, suddenly, Oct.

31, Monica (Diaz): beloved wife of the late Edward Riley; mother of Evelyn Ohlson of E. Boston, Robert of Middleton and Edward Riley of So. Boston; also survived by 10 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Mcgrath Funeral Home, 325 Chelsea at Day EAST BOSTON, Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Funeral Mass in St.

Augustine's Church, So. Boston, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday, 7-9; Tuesday, 2-4 and 7- 9 p.m. RIZZO -In Quincy, October 31, 1976, Frank Rizzo, the beloved husband of Angela (Graceffa) Rizzo, of 14 Cherry St.

The devoted father of Louis A. Rizzo of Middleboro, Mrs. Antoinette Arena of Weymouth, and Mrs. Josephine Fay of Weymouth. Also survived by 8 grandchildren.

Brother of Mrs. Jennie Baldi of Quincy, Starky Rizzo of Quincy, Joseph Rizzo of Quincy, and Anthony Rizzo of S. Weymouth. Funeral from the Sweeney Brothers Home for Funerals, 1 Independence QUINCY, Wednesday, November 3, at 8:15 a.m, Funeral Mass in' St. Joseph's Church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Visiting hours Monday, 7-9, and Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment Mt. Wollaston Cemetery. -Of Norwood, suddenly, October 29, Domenico, beloved husband of Barbara (Ruscio), uncle of Vito lessi of Norwood, brother of Carmella Bilotta of N.Y., Anthony of Thomas of N.Y., Vito of W.

Bruno and Joseph, both of Italy, Victor of. Argentina, and the late Frank and Catherine. Funeral Mass, Tuesday, at 10 a.m. in St. Catherine's Church.

Visiting hours, Sunday and Monday, 2-4 and 7-9, at the Paul H. Kraw Funeral. Home, 1248 Washington Norwood. Relatives and friends invited. Interment, Highland Cemetery.

RUSSI -Of Mission Hill, October 30, Teresa (Argenzio). Devoted and loving mother of Anthony of Revere, Joseph and Rose M. Russi both of Mission Hill, beloved grandmother of Lawrence and John Russi of Revere. Beloved sister of Louis Argenzio of East Boston. Funeral from the David J.

O'Connor Funeral Home, 1558 Tremont Street, MISSION HILL, opposite Mission Church Rectory, Tuesday, November 2 at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass of the resurection in the Mission Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment St.

Michael's Cemetery, Roslindale. Parking in rear of funeral home. SCANZILLO-Of, Jamaica Plain, Oct. 30, Gerardo, husband of the late Rose M. (Andreotti), father of Mrs.

of Raphael Laura of Winthrop, Frank Billerica, Anthony of Dedham and Frances Scanzillo of Jamaica Plain; brother of Nicholas Scanzillo of Needham. Also survived by 11 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Funeral from the Mann-Mann Rodgers Funeral Home, 44 Perkins (corner of So. Huntington ave.) JAMAICA PLAIN Wednesday at 8:15 a.m.; followed by a Funeral Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.

Visiting hours Monday 7-9 and Tuesday 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment St. Michael's Cemetery. SHARPE- Norwood, October 31. James beloved brother George T.

Sharpe of West Roxbury and the late Mary M. Malon-. ey. Funeral from the Gillooly Funeral Home, 126 Walpole (Rt. 1A) NORWOOD on Wednesday, November 3, at 9 a.m.

Funeral Mass in St. Catherine's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Monday 7- 9, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Retired custodian, St.

Catherine's School. Veteran of WWII. Interment West St. Joseph's Cemetery, Roxbury. SHEEHAN -In Germany, suddenly Oct.

23, of Dorchester, formerly of So. Boston, Edna (Libbey), beloved wife of the late Francis and devoted mother of Robert B.P.D. Div. 5, Francis B.F.D. Eng.

20, of Dorchester, Sgt. Mary Sheehan, U.S. Army in Germany and Edna Sheehan, also survived by 4 grandchildren and 1 greatgrandchild. Funeral from the J. O'Connor Son Funeral Home, 740 Adams (near Gallivan Blvd.) DORCHESTER, Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.

Funeral Mass in St. Ann's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7-9; interment Holy Cross Cemetery, SHERIDAN-Of Sharon, October 30. Jane Joyce (Kilkelly) in her 96th year, beloved wife of the late John Lindsay Sheridan, mother of Mrs.

George Swinnerton of Sharon, sister of Anne J. Cole of Morristown, N.J., grandmother Margaret Brockton, J. John S. Stankauskas Monroe of Calif. and Thomas L.

Monroe of South Africa, also survived by 5 great grandchildren. Funeral from the Joseph P. Keating Funeral Home, 46 South Main SHARON on Tuesday at 9:15 followed by a Funeral Mass in Our Lady of Sorrows Church at 10. Visiting hours Monday 2-4 and 7. 9.

Relatives and friends kindly Interment in St. Paul's Cemetery, Hingham. Brockton, October 30, Joseph J. Slatkiewicz of East Street, Brockton, husband of Elizabeth M. (Nolan) Slatkiewicz, father of Joseph Ann and Julia Slatkiewicz all of Brockton, brother of Mrs.

Michelina Willoughby of Boston. Funeral from the Conley Funeral Home, 9 Chester corner of Belmont Street (Route 123), Tuesday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Margaret's Church at 9 a.m. Burial in Calvary Cemetery Brockton.

Visiting hours, Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Vaterman is Adaptable Each Waterman service is planned to meet individual needs and wishes. We are familiar with minimum quirements as well as with traditional services. Whatever your wishes, you will find S. Waterman Sons qualified to respond and to adapt efficiently, sympathetically.

Prices itemized according to one arrange ments and Asl for our What You SPoutd Know. J.S. Waterman Sons Boston. Kenmore Sa 536-4110 Wellesley Sq 235-4110 Wayland Rte. 30 00-3350 SOBOLL -Suddenly in West Somarville.

Oct. 28, Margaret M. (Daley) beloved wife of Stanley mother of Rosemary, Elieen, Patricia, Carolyn and Ann Soboll, daughter of Timothy J. and the Iste Rose A. (O'Brien), sister of Frank Daley of No.

Andover. Funeral from the Kevin A. Griffin Funeral Home, 2307 Mass NORTH CAMBRIDGE on Tuesday morning at 9:15. Followed be a Funeral Mass in St. John's Church at 10 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are invited. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. SORENSON-Of Saugus, Oct. 31, Mary L. (Garber) Sorenson, wife of the late Andrew P.

Sorenson; mother of Andrew Richard Robert D. and Walter F. Sorenson; sister of Georgina Parker and Arthur Garber. Private services will be held in the Robinson Funeral Chapel, 809 Main Meirose, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. SULLIVAN-In Stoughton (formerly of Brookline and New.

York). Mona A. beloved daughter of the late Robert S. and Mona A. (Leonard) Sullivan, sister of Robert S.

of Stoughton, and Leonard K. of San Mateo, California. Funeral from the Francis T. Keefe Funeral Home, 8 Centre) WEST ROXBURY. Tuesday at 9:15.

Funeral Mass in the Infant Jesus Church, Chestnut Hill at 10. Relatives and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours Sunday 2-4 and 7- 9 p.m. Monday 7-9 p.m. only.

New York papers please copy. SWASKY-Of West Bridgewater, Julia Rose (Sherman), devoted wife of Stanley loving mother of Joseph Sherman of Needham; brother of Frank and John Sherman of Needham; also survived by 3 grandchildren. Funeral Tuesday from the Hickey Funeral Home, 403 Main BROCKTON at 9 a.m., followed by a Funeral Mass in St. Ann's Church, West Bridgewater at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

Visiting hours Monday 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment Pine Hill Cemetery. TAYLOR-In October 29, Russell beloved husband of Violet (Anderson) and father of Russell Taylor Jr. of Billerica and Eileen McDaniel of North Reading, brother of Shirley M. Foley of Boston, also survived by four grandchildren.

Funeral from the Robert J. Costello Funeral Home, 177 Washington Sti, WINCHESTER, on Tuesday, November 2 at 9:15. Funeral Mass in St. Mary's Church at 10 o'clock. Visiting hours Sunday 7-9 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

WINSOR -Formerly of Westwood in West Yarmouth, Oct. 30, M. June (Hobbs), wife of Malcolm Winsor and mother of Randall H. Winsor. Sister of Mrs.

George (Verna) Armstrong of Needham. Services at Rockwell Funeral Chapel, 195 Mt. Auburn WATERTOWN, Tuesday at 1 p.m. Friends may call at the Chapel, Monday 7-9 p.m. YOUNG -Of Medford, October 29, Ann J.

(King), wife of the late William Young, beloved sister of Mae A. King of Medford and the late Stephen King, Aunt of Mrs. Loraine Myers of Florida and Stephen King of New York, Funeral from the Gaffey Memorial Funeral Home, 43 High MEDFORD SQUARE, on Tuesday, November 2, at 9 a.m. followed by a funeral Mass in St. James Church at 10 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Sunday p.m. and Monday 2-4 arid 7-9 p.m. Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Roxbury.

ZAMIEROWSKI-In -In Haverhill. Oct. 31, 1976, Julius tof 46 Manners Haverhill; survived by his wife, Anna; 2 sons. Vincent J. of N.H..

Julius J. No. Andover; 1 daughter, Nancy Arlington; brother, Joseph of 1 sister, Mrs. Helen Kozzi, Roselle, N.J.: 4 grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held from the N.

Power O'Connor Funeral Home, 486 Main (Rte. 125), HAVERHILL, Wednesday at 8 a.m. A funeral Mass will be celebrated in St. Michael's Church at 9. Burial will be in St.

James Cemetery. Visiting hours at the funeral home Monday 7-9, Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. ZARSKY-Entered into rest. Oct. 31, 1976, Anna (Cohen), of 525 Highland' Malden, beloved the late Zachary Zarsky, devoted mother of Dr.

Helen Reinherz of Malden, loving sister of Henry Cohen of Maiden, dear grandmother of Dr. Ellis Reinherz of Newton. Services at the Stanetsky-Schlossberg-Goldman Memorial Chapels, 174 Ferry MALDEN, Monday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. A Memorial Observance will be held at her late residence Monday and Tuesday evenings only.

Expressions of sympathy in her memory may be donated to the Jewish National Fund, 72 Franklin Boston. LATE DEATH NOTICES HORVITZ- Entered in rest November 1, Framingham, survived by many nieces, and nephews. Interment services at the Montifore Cemetery, Woburn, Tuesday, November 2 at 11a.m. Anne C. age 83 years, of Malden, Mass.

Former resident of Clearwater, passed away Oct. 31, in Malden. She is survived by 3 sons, William Malcolm, Franklin Lakes, iN.J., Stanley Malcolm of No. Reading, and James Malcolm of San Antonio, Texas, 3 daughters, Ruth Iverson Carencro, Mrs. John Brooks, Los Angeles, and Mrs.

Pat McKearney, Jacksonville, 27 grandchildren. Services and burial Clearwater, Moss Funeral Home, 813-446-2375. ZEIDEL-Rose, formerly of Clinton and Framingham. Widow of' David Zeidel. Beloved mother of Sally Roberts, Paul Ziedell and Derry Glen.

8 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren. Services at Perlman Funeral Home, 1026 Main WORCESTER, p.m., Tuesday, November 2. Memorial Week to be observed at the home of Sally 220 Maple Framingham. Contributions may be made to Congregation Sharel Zedek of Clinton, MA. IN MEMORIAM 1975-MORA CLINTON-1976 A light is from, our household, gone.

A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can take our mother's: place. Lovingly missed by Daughter Mary, Son-in-law Larry, Kristen, Larry Brian 1968-MICHAEL J. BIRTHDAY TANSEY-1976 You'll never be forgotten, Mike.

Lovingly, Masses remembered 'said, Helen sadly being and Pat. ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCAL 103 I.B.E.W. We regret to announce the death of Brother Robert M. MacKay. Visiting hours in The Mortimer N.

Peck Funeral Home, 516 Washington, Braintree, Monday 7-9 p.m.. Tuesday 2-4 and the 7-9 p.m. Funeral Services in First Congregational Church, Elm Braintree, Wednesday 11 a.m. John V. O'Brien, Fin.

Sec. 1970 ALEXANDER LaRUSSO 1976 missed Lovingly remembered and sadly by his wife, Alberta. For Beautiful Enduring MONUMENTS CANTER'S 47 Everett Chelsea 02150 889-1562. Open Sunday. Bronze Markers For Memorial Porks SLOTNICK MONUMENTS Display Office (387-3980) 232 Fuller St.

Everett Monuments bronze memorials for all porks. THOS. CARRIGG SON 772 LaGrange FA3-2454 nr. St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Rox.

41 No. Gary Brockton, JU6-6588 CANNIFF MONUMENTS 531 Cummins Roslindale 563 ML Auburn Cambridge P4 Penn Quincy, Tel 323-3690 QUINCY MEMORIAL CO. 218 Willard Quincy, 471-0250 911 Adans Dorchester Free booklet. Open 9.30-5.

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Describing the political position of The Boston Globe editorial page in 2001, former editorial page editor Renée Loth told the Boston University alumni magazine: The Globe has a long tradition of being a progressive institution, and especially on social issues.

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The Boston Globe, daily newspaper published in Boston, the city's largest and one of the most influential newspapers in the United States.

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is often categorized politically as progressive and liberal. All of the state's U.S. representatives and senators are Democrats. Democrats also form the large majority of the state's legislature, though the state has a history of electing Republican governors.

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Publisher. John W. Henry is the publisher and owner of The Boston Globe. He purchased the Globe and its affiliated businesses in 2013, becoming only the third owner in the history of the newspaper, the largest in New England.

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In federal general elections, The Globe and Mail has generally endorsed right-wing parties.

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