Introduction to Creating gt Tables (2024)

Introduction to Creating gt Tables (1)

Source: vignettes/gt.Rmd


The gt package is all about making it simple toproduce nice-looking display tables. Display tables? Well yes, we aretrying to distinguish between data tables (e.g., tibbles,data.frames, etc.) and those tables you’d find in a webpage, a journal article, or in a magazine. Such tables can likewise becalled presentation tables, summary tables, or just tables really. Hereare some examples, ripped straight from the web:

Introduction to Creating gt Tables (2)

We can think of display tables as output only, where we’d not want touse them as input ever again. Other features include annotations, tableelement styling, and text transformations that serve to communicate thesubject matter more clearly.

A Walkthrough of the gt Basics with a SimpleTable

Let’s use a less common dataset that is available in the Rdatasets package: islands. It’s actuallynot a data frame but a named vector. That’s okay though, we can use usedplyr and prepare a tibble from it:

# Take the `islands` dataset and use some# dplyr functionality to obtain the ten# biggest islands in the worldislands_tbl <-  tibble( name = names(islands), size = islands ) |> arrange(desc(size)) |> slice(1:10)# Display the tableislands_tbl#> # A tibble: 10 × 2#> name size#> <chr> <dbl>#>  1 Asia 16988#>  2 Africa 11506#>  3 North America 9390#>  4 South America 6795#>  5 Antarctica 5500#>  6 Europe 3745#>  7 Australia 2968#>  8 Greenland 840#>  9 New Guinea 306#> 10 Borneo 280

Given that islands_tbl is a tibble, we now have asuitable input for gt.

The main entry point into the gt API is thegt() function. If we pass islands_tbl to thefunction gt(), we’ll get a gtTable as output. As an aside, we could have easily used a dataframe instead as valid Table Data forgt.

# Create a display table showing ten of# the largest islands in the worldgt_tbl <- gt(islands_tbl)# Show the gt Tablegt_tbl
name size
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306

That doesn’t look too bad. Sure, it’s basic but we really didn’treally ask for much. We did receive a proper table with column labelsand the data. Also, that default striping is a nice touch. Oftentimeshowever, you’ll want a bit more: a Table header, aStub, and sometimes footnotes and sourcenotes in the Table Footer part.

Adding Parts to this Simple Table

The gt package makes it relatively easy to add partsso that the resulting gt Table better conveys theinformation you want to present. These table parts work well togetherand there the possible variations in arrangement can handle most tabularpresentation needs. The previous gt Table demonstratedhad only two parts, the Column Labels and theTable Body. The next few examples will show all of theother table parts that are available.

This is the way the main parts of a table (and their subparts) fittogether:

Introduction to Creating gt Tables (3)

The parts (roughly from top to bottom) are:

  • the Table Header (optional; with atitle and possibly a subtitle)
  • the Stub and the Stub Head(optional; contains row labels, optionally within rowgroups having row group labels and possibly summarylabels when a summary is present)
  • the Column Labels (contains column labels,optionally under spanner column labels)
  • the Table Body (contains columns androws of cells)
  • the Table Footer (optional; possibly withfootnotes and source notes)

The way that we add parts like the Table Header andfootnotes in the Table Footer is to use thetab_*() family of functions. A TableHeader is easy to add so let’s see how the previous table lookswith a title and a subtitle. We canadd this part using the tab_header() function:

# Make a display table with the `islands_tbl`# table; put a heading just above the column labelsgt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_header( title = "Large Landmasses of the World", subtitle = "The top ten largest are presented" )# Show the gt Tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
name size
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306

The Header table part provides an opportunity todescribe the data that’s presented. The subtitle, whichfunctions as a subtitle, is an optional part of theHeader. We may also style the title andsubtitle using Markdown! We do this by wrapping the valuespassed to title or subtitle with themd() function. Here is an example with the table datatruncated for brevity:

# Use markdown for the heading's `title` and `subtitle` to# add bold and italicized charactersgt(islands_tbl[1:2,]) |> tab_header( title = md("**Large Landmasses of the World**"), subtitle = md("The *top two* largest are presented") )
Large Landmasses of the World
The top two largest are presented
name size

A source note can be added to the table’sfooter through use of tab_source_note().It works in the same way as tab_header() (it also allowsfor Markdown inputs) except it can be called multiple times—eachinvocation results in the addition of a source note.

# Display the `islands_tbl` data with a heading and# two source notesgt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_source_note( source_note = "Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406." ) |> tab_source_note( source_note = md("Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) *Interactive Data Analysis*. Wiley.") )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
name size
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.
Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data Analysis. Wiley.

Footnotes live inside the Footer part and theirfootnote marks are attached to cell data. Footnotes are added withtab_footnote(). The helper functioncells_body() can be used with the locationargument to specify which data cells should be the target of thefootnote. cells_body() has the two argumentscolumns and rows. For each of these, we cansupply (1) a vector of colnames or rownames, (2) a vector of column/rowindices, (3) bare column names wrapped in c() or row labelswithin c(), or (4) a select helper function(starts_with(), ends_with(),contains(), matches(), one_of(),and everything()). For rows specifically, wecan use a conditional statement with column names as variables (e.g.,size > 15000).

Here is a simple example on how a footnotes can be added to a tablecell. Let’s add a footnote that references theNorth America and South America cells in thename column:

# Add footnotes (the same text) to two different# cell; data cells are targeted with `data_cells()`gt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_footnote( footnote = "The Americas.", locations = cells_body(columns = name, rows = 3:4) )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
name size
North America19390
South America16795
New Guinea306
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.
Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data Analysis. Wiley.
1 The Americas.

Here is a slightly more complex example of adding footnotes that useexpressions in rows to help target cells in a column by theunderlying data in islands_tbl. First, a set ofdplyr statements obtains the name of the ‘island’ bylargest landmass. This is assigned to the largest objectand is used in the first tab_footnote() call that targetsthe cell in the size column that is next to aname value that is stored in largest (‘Asia’).The second tab_footnote() is similar except we aresupplying a conditional statement that gets the lowest population.

# Determine the row that contains the# largest landmass ('Asia')largest <-  islands_tbl |>  arrange(desc(size)) |> slice(1) |> pull(name)# Create two additional footnotes, using the# `columns` and `where` arguments of `data_cells()`gt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_footnote( footnote = md("The **largest** by area."), locations = cells_body( columns = size, rows = name == largest ) ) |> tab_footnote( footnote = "The lowest by area.", locations = cells_body( columns = size, rows = size == min(size) ) )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
name size
North America29390
South America26795
New Guinea306
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.
Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data Analysis. Wiley.
1 The largest by area.
2 The Americas.
3 The lowest by area.

We were able to supply the reference locations in the table by usingthe cells_body() helper function and supplying thenecessary targeting through the columns androws arguments. Other cells_*() functions havesimilar interfaces and they allow us to target cells in different partsof the table.

The Stub

The Stub is the area to the left in a table thatcontains row labels, and may contain row group labels,and summary labels. Those subparts can be grouped in a sequenceof row groups. The Stub Head provides alocation for a label that describes the Stub. TheStub is optional since there are cases where aStub wouldn’t be useful (e.g., the display tablespresented above were just fine without a Stub).

An easy way to generate a Stub part is by specifyinga stub column in the gt() function with therowname_col argument. This will signal togt that the named column should be used as the stub,making row labels. Let’s add a stub with ourislands_tbl dataset by modifying the call togt():

# Create a gt table showing ten of the# largest islands in the world; this# time with a stubgt_tbl <-  islands_tbl |> gt(rowname_col = "name")# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306

Notice that the landmass names are off the left in an unstriped area?That’s the stub. We can apply what’s known as astubhead label. This label can be added withtab_stubhead():

# Generate a simple table with a stub# and add a stubhead labelgt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_stubhead(label = "landmass")# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
landmass size
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306

A very important thing to note here is that the table now has onecolumn. Before, when there was no stub, two columnswere present (with column labels name andsize) but now column number 1 (the onlycolumn) is size.

To apply our table parts as before (up to and including thefootnotes) we use the following statements:

# Display the `islands_tbl` data with a stub,# a heading, source notes, and footnotesgt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> tab_header( title = "Large Landmasses of the World", subtitle = "The top ten largest are presented" ) |> tab_source_note( source_note = "Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406." ) |> tab_source_note( source_note = md("Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) *Interactive Data Analysis*. Wiley.") ) |> tab_footnote( footnote = md("The **largest** by area."), locations = cells_body( columns = size, rows = largest ) ) |> tab_footnote( footnote = "The lowest by population.", locations = cells_body( columns = size, rows = contains("arc") ) )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
landmass size
North America9390
South America6795
New Guinea306
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.
Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data Analysis. Wiley.
1 The largest by area.
2 The lowest by population.

Let’s incorporate row groups into the display table. This dividesrows into groups, creating row groups, and results in a displayof a row group labels right above the each group. This can beeasily done with a table containing row labels. We can make a newrow group with each tab_row_group() call. Theinputs are row group names in the label argument, and rowreferences in the rows argument. We can use any of thestrategies to reference rows as we did we footnotes (e.g., vectors ofnames/indices, select helpers, etc.).

Here we will create three row groups (with row group labelscontinent, country, andsubregion) to have a grouping of rows.

# Create three row groups with the# `tab_row_group()` functiongt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |>  tab_row_group( label = "continent", rows = 1:6 ) |> tab_row_group( label = "country", rows = c("Australia", "Greenland") ) |> tab_row_group( label = "subregion", rows = c("New Guinea", "Borneo") )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
Large Landmasses of the World
The top ten largest are presented
landmass size
New Guinea306
North America9390
South America6795
Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.
Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data Analysis. Wiley.
1 The largest by area.
2 The lowest by population.

Three row groups have been made since there are three uniquecategories under groupname. Across the top of each rowgroup is the row group label contained in a separate row(these cut across the field and they contain nothing but the rowgroup label). A rearrangement of rows is carried out to ensure eachof the rows is collected within the appropriate row groups.

Having groups of rows in row groups is a great way topresent information. Including data summaries particular to each groupis a natural extension of this idea. This process of adding summary rowswith summary labels is covered in a separate article(Creating Summary Lines).

Another way to make row groups is to have a column of group namespresent in the input data table. For our above example withislands_tbl, having a groupname column withthe categories continent, country, andsubregion in the appropriate rows would produce row groupswhen using the gt() function’s groupname_colargument (e.g.,gt(islands_tbl, rowname_col = "name", groupname_col = "groupname") |> ...).Then, there would be no need to use tab_row_group(). Thisstrategy of supplying group names in a column can sometimes beadvantageous since we can rely on functions such as those available indplyr to generate the categories (e.g., usingcase_when() or if_else()).

The Column Labels

The table’s Column Labels part contains, at aminimum, columns and their column labels. The last example hada single column: size. Just as in theStub, we can create groupings called spannercolumns that encompass one or more columns.

To better demonstrate how Column Labels work and aredisplayed, let’s use an input data table with more columns. In thiscase, that input table will be airquality. It has thefollowing columns:

  • Ozone: mean ground-level ozone in parts per billion byvolume (ppbV), measured between 13:00 and 15:00
  • Solar.R: solar radiation in Langley units(cal/m2), measured between 08:00 and noon
  • Wind: mean wind speed in miles per hour (mph)
  • Temp: maximum daily air temperature in degreesFahrenheit (°F)
  • Month, Day: the numeric month and day ofmonth for the record

We know that all measurements took place in 1973, so ayear column will be added to the dataset before it ispassed to gt().

Let’s organize the time information under a Timespanner column label, and put the other columns under aMeasurement spanner column label. We can do thiswith tab_spanner().

# Modify the `airquality` dataset by adding the year# of the measurements (1973) and limiting to 10 rowsairquality_m <-  airquality |> mutate(Year = 1973L) |> slice(1:10) # Create a display table using the `airquality`# dataset; arrange columns into groupsgt_tbl <-  gt(airquality_m) |> tab_header( title = "New York Air Quality Measurements", subtitle = "Daily measurements in New York City (May 1-10, 1973)" ) |> tab_spanner( label = "Time", columns = c(Year, Month, Day) ) |> tab_spanner( label = "Measurement", columns = c(Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, Temp) )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
New York Air Quality Measurements
Daily measurements in New York City (May 1-10, 1973)
Measurement Time
Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Year Month Day

We can do two more things to make this presentable:

  • move the Time columns to the beginning of the series(using cols_move_to_start())
  • customize the column labels so that they are more descriptive (usingcols_label())

Let’s do both of these things in the next example.

# Move the time-based columns to the start of# the column series; modify the column labels of# the measurement-based columnsgt_tbl <-  gt_tbl |> cols_move_to_start( columns = c(Year, Month, Day) ) |> cols_label( Ozone = html("Ozone,<br>ppbV"), Solar.R = html("Solar R.,<br>cal/m<sup>2</sup>"), Wind = html("Wind,<br>mph"), Temp = html("Temp,<br>&deg;F") )# Show the gt tablegt_tbl
New York Air Quality Measurements
Daily measurements in New York City (May 1-10, 1973)
Time Measurement
Year Month Day Ozone,
Solar R.,

Note that even though columns were moved usingcols_move_to_start(), the spanner column labelsstill spanned above the correct column labels. There are anumber of functions that gt provides to move columns,including cols_move(), cols_move_to_end();there’s even a function to hide columns: cols_hide().

Multiple columns can be renamed in a single use ofcols_label(). Further to this, the helper functionsmd() and html() can be used to create columnlabels with additional styling. In the above example, we provided columnlabels as HTML so that we can insert linebreaks with<br>, insert a superscripted 2 (with<sup>2</sup>), and insert a degree symbol as anHTML entity (&deg;).

Introduction to Creating gt Tables (2024)


What is the structure of a GT table? ›

A gt table can contain a few useful parts for conveying additional information. These include a header (with a titles and subtitle), a footer (with footnotes and source notes), and additional areas for labels (row group labels, column spanner labels, the stubhead label).

What is the function of the GT table? ›

The gt() function creates a gt table object when provided with table data. Using this function is the first step in a typical gt workflow. Once we have the gt table object, we can perform styling transformations before rendering to a display table of various formats.

How do you add row names in GT table? ›

It's possible to add new rows to your table with rows_add() by supplying the new row data through name-value pairs or two-sided formula expressions. The new rows are added to the bottom of the table by default but can be added internally by using either the . before or .

What package is GT in R? ›

The gt package in R is a powerful tool for creating elegant and customizable tables for data visualization and reporting. It offers options for formatting, styling, and theming tables, as well as support for handling complex data structures and creating publication-ready tables with ease.

What are the summary rows in GT table? ›

There are two main types of summary rows: (1) group-wise summaries, and (2) the grand summary. The group-wise summaries operate on one or more row groups, which can themselves be generated in a variety of ways: with the gt() function's groupname_col option. using tab_row_group() on a gt object.

How do you structure a table? ›

The cells in a table's horizontal plane constitute rows; the cells in the vertical plane constitute columns. The row is the unit for performing operations on a table. Each row consists of data entries from one or more columns. Each column is given a column name.

What is the function of GT? ›

Answer. GT is grand total. When you create memory in calculator by using M key 2-3 times or more then by pressing GT you will get sum of all your memory saved in calculator.

How do I add a title to a GT table? ›

A header part can be added to the table with the tab_header() function. We'll add a title and the optional subtitle as well. With md() , we can make sure the Markdown formatting is interpreted and transformed. If the table is intended solely as an HTML table, you could introduce your own HTML elements into the header.

How to save gt table in r? ›

Save a gt table as a file
  1. Description. The gtsave() function makes it easy to save a gt table to a file. ...
  2. Usage. gtsave(data, filename, path = NULL, ...)
  3. Arguments. data. ...
  4. Details. Output filenames with either the . ...
  5. Value. The file name (invisibly) if the export process is successful.
  6. Examples. ...
  7. Function ID. ...
  8. Function Introduced.

How do you set a row in a table? ›

<tr>: The Table Row element. The <tr> HTML element defines a row of cells in a table. The row's cells can then be established using a mix of <td> (data cell) and <th> (header cell) elements.

How do I add one row to a table? ›

Add a row above or below
  1. Click in a cell above or below where you want to add a row.
  2. On the Layout tab, do one of the following: To add a row above the cell, click Insert Above in the Rows and Columns group. To add a row below the cell, click Insert Below in the Rows and Columns group.

What are the parts of a GT table? ›

{gt} philosophy

"We can construct a wide variety of useful tables with a cohesive set of table parts. These include the table header, the stub, the stub head, the column labels, the table body, and the table footer." {gt} documentation is so organized and color coded.

How do you change the column names in a GT table? ›

Step 1 - Start with a data frame that contains the values that you want to display in the arrangement that you want to display them. Step 2 - Use gt::gt() to turn your data frame into an editable, professional looking table. Step 3 - Use gt::cols_label() to change the column names.

What is the function of GT in R? ›

The gt() function creates a gt table object when provided with table data. Using this function is the first step in a typical gt workflow. Once we have the gt table object, we can perform styling transformations before rendering to a display table of various formats.

What are the structural components of the table? ›

The structural elements of a database table include columns, rows, primary key, foreign key, constraints, and indexes.

What is table structure? ›

Answer: A table is a data structure that organizes information into rows and columns. It can be used to both store and display data in a structured format. For example, databases store data in tables so that information can be quickly accessed from specific rows.

What is a table structure in Word? ›

Word 2019: Working with Tables. A table is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. Tables are often used to organize and present information, but they have a variety of uses as well. You can use tables to align numbers and create interesting page layouts.

Which represents the structure of a table? ›

Rows / Columns / Cells

Rows represent horizontal records, columns represent vertical attributes, and cells are the individual units within the table that contain data values at the intersection of rows and columns.

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