Il Dylan Dog di Tiziano Sclavi: Johnny Freak (2025)


163 reviews23 followers

December 14, 2019

Questa è assolutamente la migliore storia di Dylan Dog che abbia mai letto.
Una lacrima non può non emergere nel leggere questa storia e una riflessione su chi sono i veri mostri nel mondo.
Peccato non ci siano state storie all'altezza di questo numero.


Reetta Saine

2,617 reviews58 followers

July 26, 2011

Freakish :)! My first encounter with Dylan, and only two albums translated in Finnish. Bummer. Have to find the originals...

    kauhu sarjis


71 reviews2 followers

July 31, 2023

Guidato dal cagnolino Botolo, Dylan Dog si imbatte in un inquieto ragazzo sordomuto e privo delle gambe.. chi è Johnny Freak? Che incubo si cela dietro la sua storia e dietro ai meravigliosi graffiti che disegna sui muri?

Ispirato ad un reale fatto di cronaca, “Johnny Freak” ha il suo fascino nell’ibrido tra il dramma, il giallo e il grottesco. Vi sono immancabilmente anche dei momenti comici, messi però in secondo piano da un’agrodolce componente tragica che mette il lettore di fronte alla crudeltà dell’essere umano nei confronti del diverso. Un episodio fantastico, che il sottoscritto annovera nella propria top 10 dei migliori numeri dell’indagatore dell’incubo. Da leggere assolutamente.


905 reviews14 followers

November 28, 2024

Un albo talmente famoso che è entrato nella leggenda degli appassionati di DYD.
Il giovane sordomuto "Johnny" viene ritrovato casualmente da Dylan in un parco: ha le gambe amputate e gli mancano diversi organi.
L'orrore incomprensibile stavolta deriva dal fatto che Johnny era apparentemente sano quando ha subito gli interventi.
La splendida amicizia che si sviluppa tra Dylan e Johnny non vieta che l'indagatore dell'incubo cerchi di scoprire la verità sull'accaduto..
Finale amaro, amarissimo: impossibile trattenere le lacrime.


Antonio Giannotte

15 reviews

November 3, 2022

Si piange


1,371 reviews7 followers

March 31, 2012

This is a tragic and sweet story about forgiveness and generosity and kindness. It's also about child abuse, body part theft, dog butchery and general hatefulness. But I prefer to remember the generosity and kindness.

Rick Ray

3,107 reviews18 followers

June 13, 2024

Dylan comes across a boy, abandoned in a bush, deaf and missing his legs. Naming him "Johnny", Dylan takes charge of the boy and begins to form a bond with him. We learn soon enough that Johnny is missing more than just his legs - some of his organs have been removed in a series of ghastly procedures. This serves as the basis for Dylan's investigation, which leads him towards the secrets behind the mysterious and wealthy Arkham family, who seem to have some tacit connection to Johnny.

A very strong Dylan Dog adventure that is significantly more grounded than the typical case. There aren't any supernatural entities or anything paranormal, just a case involving child abuse and organ harvesting. So yes, it's plenty dark and as horrid as any of these can be, but a riveting read with a strong finish.


Dragan Lazovic

104 reviews7 followers

December 6, 2019

Previše grešaka. Lakše je poverovati u zombije i vampire nego u presađivanje nogu (i srca POSLE smrti!), u nemoguće bolesti i karakterne osobine, razumnog psa koji te vodi za ruku, sviranje klasične muzike bez učenja, naivne spletove okolnosti... Premalo logike, previše patetike.
Scenario 3, crtež 5, naslovna 4.

Mina ☾

505 reviews217 followers

June 20, 2023

What a sad story.

The worst part is that it's based on original events.

I just want to kill - maybe torture - the Arkham family except our Johnny (obviously) and of course give him a true happy ending.

Now I need some time to think and to be mourning for Johnny. Give me some time. I'll be holding back tears hugging the blanket on my bed in search of an inaccessible comfort.

    crying-for-you graphics-and-comics whata-surprise

Przemysław Skoczyński

1,277 reviews38 followers

October 19, 2017

Dylan Dog to niby takie klasyczne wariactwo i tytuł tej części zdaje się to potwierdzać, dopóki nie okazuje się, że opowieść o Johnnym nie do końca jest zmyślona i nieprawdopodobna. W zasadzie to dosyć poruszająca historia.


Ricky Antolini

43 reviews3 followers

January 7, 2022

Bellissimo e struggente

Mariano Magnano

3 reviews

August 26, 2022

Migliore Dylan Dog mai letto. Un pugno allo stomaco

Veronica Palazzi

215 reviews2 followers

January 27, 2024

Mi viene solo da piangere

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,574 reviews194 followers

February 19, 2017

Eine zu Herzen gehende Geschichte mit sehr solider Artwork von Andrea Venturi.



5 reviews2 followers

October 14, 2012

Read This in English printed by Dark Horse as a collected edition named as the Dylan Dog Case files, A small intro for English Fans, Dylan Dog a Private detective dealing with supernatural stuff along with his friend Felix ( named changed but actually Groucho in Italian) a bit of timing comedic character just like groucho Marx, I enjoyed him though.. But again coming to Johnny freak any body can be a hero for this story except Tex willer, like Martin Mystere, nathan Never as this is indeed written for Johhny the Freak a very sad and touching story of twist and retwist with a classical style in story telling. Just Grab a collected version as the Single English versions are hard to find nowadays.

Daken Howlett

489 reviews16 followers

September 6, 2014

Meraviglioso esempio di lirismo a fumetti

Il Dylan Dog di Tiziano Sclavi: Johnny Freak (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.